Vintage Camera Collecting – Polaroids, Bakelite, Rolleiflex and More

Vintage Camera Collecting has always been a popular collecting category but recently it has exploded! Today, everyone wants a collection of vintage cameras. From Bakelite cameras to vintage Polaroid’s Kodak or Rolleiflex.

A couple things to consider when collecting cameras. What is the overall condition of the camera?   Can you still get film? Exposure system? Is the Lens in good condition? Does the shutter work? Are the Light Seals tight?

My husband is the collector in our family and I have an appreciation for the design and style of the cameras. I tell my husband “I don’t know why, but when I look at vintage cameras, it makes me happy”.  Perhaps like most other collectible I enjoy, I wonder about the person or people that owned the item before I did, what were they like, what kind of life did they have. I guess, that is part of the magic of vintage and antiques!! You can see some of his amazing items here Upcycledclassics


Cool Vintage Cameras – New Etsy Store: Upcycled Classics

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Hi everyone, hope your Black Friday has been safe and for those that braved it and went to the malls…. did you score any deals?? We didn’t end up going anywhere today. Instead, my husband was hard at work and opened his brand new Etsy store – UpcycledClassics. He has a passion for vintage cameras and has found a way to combine his passion for photography, cameras, and art into these one-of-a-kind UpcycledClassics. He tests each and every camera to make sure it is in working condition; he actually locates the vintage film for these Pentax, Kodak and Polaroids and takes photos with each camera, cleans each, adjusts len’s and puts in new batteries and more and then gives them a whole new look with a blast of fabulous color. If you are into photography, art, or vintage cameras or know someone that is, would you please help spread the word of the UpcycledClassics store. Thank you in advance!!