Romantic Prairie Style, Pioneer Woman or Shabby Chic?

Gorgeous weekend here in wine country California and we were out buzzing around running errands and it was while at the local drugstore that I walk past the magazine rack quickly scanning covers and titles when I spot one I had not seen before called “Romantic Prairie Style” premiere issue, and immediately my mind makes the connection that this is a new publication by Fifi O’neil from Romantic Country magazine. I recall Fifi had a recent book out titled ‘Romantic Prairie Style’ but was quite surprised that she was able to start an entire magazine on Romantic Prairie Style.  I purchased the magazine and later that afternoon when at home I was excited to look it over as I wasn’t familiar with what “prairie” style actually is.

If you are familiar with Fifi O’neil’s photo styling then you will be pleased to know that Romantic Prairie Style magazine holds up the standard of beautiful styling and high quality photos. The magazine takes you through the homes and lives of various people (just like Romantic Country magazine) and as I turn the pages, I begin to understand that ‘prairie’ style is actually a mindset where one lives minimally but still comfortably. My summary of what prairie style is, is this “Shabby Chic meets Little House on The Prairie”.   You can also say it is ‘Shabby Chic meets Pioneer Woman’.

So, what exactly is “Shabby Chic meets Little House on The Prairie” or ‘Shabby Chic meets Pioneer Woman’, well let me tell you:  Most everything has that old peeling chipped Mylanta color or ‘toothpaste’ green appearance mixed in with some enamel ware pitchers, dishes., and drying bouquets of picked prairie flowers.

I liked that the magazine did cover a section on ‘Prairie” collectibles and the ‘Prairie Pantry’. My favorite home that is featured is a former horse barn/stable that was converted into a 3,000sqft home done exceptionally well with gorgeous details and furnishings giving off a very exclusive, high-end rustic lodge feel. Gorgeous!!

In a future post I will cover Pioneer Spirit, Traditional Prairie, Romantic Prairie, Vintage Prairie and Elegant Prairie. Yep, I had no idea there were so many classifications to “Prairie” style.

Have any of you read the new Romantic Prairie Style magazine? What do you think about? I would love to hear from you.   

Coffee Break

I’ve been working lots of hours lately….finishing up some major projects at work. No real time recently for visits to flea markets or antique malls but I promise to post up something shortly about The Pecan (the new antique/junk/re-purposed shop down the road from me) I pass it a few times a week coming and going  but still have not had a chance to stop by. Right now though, its time for a coffee break and time to look through the new issue of Romantic Country Magazine and Romantic Homes! I think this new Summer 2011 issue of Romantic Homes is the last issue the editor Fifi O’Neil has worked on as she is moving onto “other” projects and thumbing through it in the store looked like a great final issue of hers!!  Romantic Homes too looks good with lots of romantic cottage styles. Time for a coffee break indeed!!

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DISAPPOINTING! Romantic Country Magazine Winter 2010

Romantic Country Magazine is a magazine I usually can’t wait to get my hands on; I eagerly anticipate the arrival of the latest issue and constantly check the magazine racks at my local bookstores for it. This past weekend I was thrilled the latest Winter 2010 issue was out and quickly snapped up my copy in a hurry to sit down with a my caramel macchiato and let my eyes devour the magazine from cover to cover.

I like the way the magazine has sections like the Entrepreneur Extraordinaire, that showcases businesses and their owners all following the theme of the magazine “romantic country” items and the French inspired rooms and all about vintage ornaments and how to decorate with flea market finds and repurposing flea market and vintage items.

Here is where my feelings are mixed and I ask the editor FIFI what happened?? Surely you and your creative team have more than enough tips, tricks, and photos to fill a magazine as important as the Holiday issue but, apparently not. This latest Winter 2010 issue of Romantic Country reminded me of past Halloween and Christmas issues of  Mary Engelbreit’s Home Companion magazine! I mean pages pretty much from 58-77 are right out of the older Mary Engelbreit’s Home Companion December 2008 – January 2009 Volume Thirteen Number One magazine right down to the photos and especially the photos on page 58 of the article titled “Bewitched, Beguiled and Bedazzled” purple fence and pumpkins (I believe the October Mary Engelbreit’s Home Companion 2004 issue) (was the cover of a Halloween issue a few years back) and the photo of the vintage doll on page 75 along with the photo the two white dogs on page 77 from articled titled ‘Have Yourself A Merry Vintage Christmas” (Mary Engelbreit’s Home Companion December 2008 – January 2009 Volume Thirteen Number One ) and the only thing missing were the two little dark haired girls! What happened Fifi?? I am really disappointed.  Fifi – I am happy to assit you and provide ideas, photo styling and content for your magazine so please reach out to me.

How many of you noticed the same things?? If any of you have thoughts or comments that you want to share please do so via the “Contact” button as I would really like to hear your feelings on this.

I Got It!! New Issue of Romantic Country

Just Got the NEW Romantic Country Magazine Summer/Fall 2010!! I have been waiting for this one. FIFI does NOT dissapoint and the mag has over 90 pages of gorgeous homes, gardens, bedrooms, kitchens and more and also projects and crafts. Can’t wait to soak in my tub and take my time going through this gorgeous magazine. We have extra back issues on our products page of Romantic Country and Romantic Homes if you are missing a particular issue.