Mid-Century Modern Plaid

Yasmina Greco The Astro Motel in Sourpuss Clothing
Yasmina Greco The Astro Motel in Sourpuss Clothing

I love a good plaid and it isn’t always easy to find them in non-Christmas colors. Well, Sourpuss Clothing has a fantastic selection of everyday plaids and they are available in dresses and skirts and I couldn’t be more excited to share with you this epic photo shoot by my sweet hubby Gary Greco and the incredible mid-century modern location!!

Yasmina Greco The Astro Motel in Sourpuss Clothing
Yasmina Greco The Astro Motel in Sourpuss Clothing

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Plaid in San Francisco

Fisherman's Wharf San Francisco Yasmina Greco Modcloth

After working all week it is so nice to take time and have some serious fun. Hubby and I drove into San Francisco this weekend for some delicious food and fun activities. Although still early in the Fall season the weather sure had that crisp Autumn feel and I was really excited for the start of sweater weather.

Yasmina Greco San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf Alcatraz Modcloth Cape Gucci Purse Continue reading