La Bella Italia – Beautiful Italy

This is about the time I start thinking of “getting away” from it all and my mind drifts to thoughts of beautiful Italy and the fabulous time my husband and I had there. My mouth starts to water for the yummy authentic pizza and the incredible espresso’s and gelato’s! The setting is picturesque indeed with the warm sunshine, lemon trees, azure waters, Ferrari’s and Lamborghinis and the warm jovial people. We plan to return, maybe this summer, fall or even winter and this time I will be on the hunt for new adventure as I wander the many flea markets and antiques fairs I just discovered. Just thinking of the possible treasures that wait are almost too exciting to withstand I mean, this is Italy – the land of art and beauty and surely there must be treasure waiting as Italy is ancient and has been standing the test of time. I will keep you all posted on what may happen with this trip I just have to take! I will most certainly share with you the adventure in photos and video. Will it be Como, Lombardy, Venice or Milan? Stay tuned! Here are some fabulous flea markets in the Como, Lombardy, Milan area. More here.

Como, Italy and Milan Flea Markets:

Piazza San Fedele – antiques fair on the first Saturday of each month
Alserio: the lakeside gardens – antiques and bric-a-brac market from March-October
Carimate: Piazzatta del Torchio – antiques market and craft fair on the third Sunday of each month excluding July and August
Lurago d’Erba: Piazza Giovanni XXIII – craft fair and collectors’ items on the first Sunday of each month from March-December
Magreglio: Piazzale Ghisallo – antiques exchange market on the second Sunday of each month
San Fermo della Battaglia: Piazzale Don Praier – antiques market on the third Sunday of each month excluding January, February and August
Crema: Piazza Duomo – market selling porcelain, wrought iron, terracotta and gastronomic specialities of the region, on the fourth Sunday of each month
Cremona: Piazza Cavour and Piazza delle Erbe – antiques market on the third Sunday of each month excluding July and August Continue reading

Italian Micro Mosaics and Lake Como Italy

As many of you know, we had taken a recent trip to Lake Como, Italy,  and naturally were smitten with the beauty and history of the location. Yes, the towns and streets and villas are indeed gorgeous as are the breathtaking micro mosaic artifacts and home goods. We were in the Lago di Como town of Argegno and found a gorgeous church –Sant’Anna which dates to the 17th Century. The outer façade has gorgeous micro mosaic and frescoes work in brilliant colors. I have attached a couple photos for you all to see the outside of the Sant’Anna church and the view from a hill above the church looking over Lake Como.

I did not know much about Micro Mosaic except that the Italians are famous for it so, I thought perhaps there are others out there that do not know much about it either and began researching and found this incredibly informative website with great information and history and pictures of this great art. Visit here to read about micromosaics.