As I continue spending time in the Pacific Northwest, I was driving through the trendy “Hawthorne” district of southeast Portland, Oregon today when all of a sudden a bright pink building pops out and catches my eye. WOW – is what comes out of my mouth. I am excited, intrigued, and so anxious to park my car and go inside this hot pink retro vintage shop.

Vintage Pink is huge and has a ton of 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, items from records, vinyl, décor, tabletop, linens, clothing, purses, nick-nacks, shoes, and furniture. What really stood out to me was the reasonably priced vintage/retro furniture and it was all in really good condition. The place is very clean, brightly lit and well stocked and sellers keep their spaces neat and tidy. The store is really fabulous and you will be surprised.

Vintage Pink is a MUST stop place to visit if you are in Portland, Oregon.

Vintage Pink
2500 SE Hawthorne Boulevard
Portland, OR 97214