Pinterest For The Things You Love

Hi everyone. It has been a while since I posted here but I have been recovering from a major shoulder injury and have been in so much pain and out of commission. I wanted to let my beloved blog followers know I am starting on the road to recovery so hopefully in the coming weeks I will be back at my favorite flea markets, antique and collectibles shops. I do need to sincerely thank my wonderful husband for taking such good care of me through all the tears, sleepless nights and multiple trips to the doctors and filling my many prescriptions. While cooped up at home I have discovered Pinterest wich is a virtual online web-based website that allows members to post up or pinup the things they love and share it with their friends, family, and the world. Lots of “eye candy” on Pinterest!! My Crazy4MePinterest page is a work in progress right now as I can’t yet use my arm to type so my dear husband has been helping me and it now to a point that I can share it with you all. Hope your 2012 is off to a great start!!