The Best Books and Guides for Vintage Mid-Century Collectors

Ready to become an antiques aficionado? Look no further than the experts’ books available on antiques, vintage Christmas, kitschy mid-century modern artifacts and collectibles! So start exploring this fascinating world filled with nostalgia and tradition today! Here are a few titles worth checking out:

Vintage Robots and Tin Toys Collector Book Resources

Space age tin toys and robots captured the imagination of a mid-century generation enthralled by space exploration. These highly collectible toys are now prized by vintage toy collectors and Mid-Century Modern enthusiasts alike. If you’re interested in collecting space age tin toys and just starting out, here are some really good books to get you started that full of photos and information.

1000 Tin Toys by Teruhisa Kitahara

Robots. Spaceships and other Tin Toys by Teruhisa Kitahara

Robots: Tin Toy Dreams by T. Kitahara

Vintage Ceramic Christmas Trees
Vintage Ceramic Christmas Trees

Download your digital copy of “Vintage Kitschy Christmas: A Merry Introduction to Vintage Ceramic Christmas Trees” today

*Please note that if you purchase from clicking on one of the links, I will get a tiny bit of that sale to help keep this blog going.