Boox Palma: More Than an E-Reader – My Personal AI Assistant!

I’m excited to share my latest tech obsession – the Boox Palma e-reader. This little device has the potential to be far more than just a way to read books! This e-reader is more than meets the eye! See how I turn my Boox Palma into a personal AI assistant.

What is the Boox Palma?

Think of the Boox Palma as a super-compact Kindle with a whole lot of extra features. Its crisp eInk display lets you read books with incredible clarity, even in direct sunlight, and the battery lasts incredibly long between charges.

Boox Palma
Boox Palma

The Palma is ridiculously small – about 6 inches tall by 3 inches wide, and less than half an inch thick. This makes it smaller and lighter than most smartphones! Despite its size, it packs a punch:

  • 16-megapixel camera
  • Microphone and speaker
  • Power and volume controls
  • Customizable function button
  • 128GB onboard storage (expandable via MicroSD card)

More Than Just an E-Reader

While the Palma is fantastic for reading, it has something many e-readers lack: Android 11. This opens up a world of possibilities. I decided to take things a step further and turn my Boox Palma into my own personal, pocket-sized AI assistant.

My Plans for a Palma-Powered AI

With its always-on internet connection (thanks to its mobile data option), I can ask my Palma questions wherever I am. Imagine these scenarios:

  • At Work: “Palma, what’s the latest update on the YG project?” or “Palma, I need to write a research paper for an executive level to read about the GG project, help me create an outline.”
  • Everyday Life: “Palma, what’s a good recipe for chicken Parmesan?” or “Palma, add milk to my grocery list.”

I’m still exploring all the possibilities, but I’m confident that this little device is going to change the way I stay organized.

Stay Tuned!

Check back soon! You can watch my unboxing and first looks here. I’ll be sharing regular updates and videos on my channel about how my personal AI experiment is going and how the Boox Palma is streamlining my work and life.

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