Weekends in Petaluma

Yasmina Greco Petaluma Copperfield Books

Petaluma is such a great walking town with a fantastic downtown that is not too big and has so many historic buildings and a wide variety of coffee shops and restaurants. The shopping is pretty good too and you will find everything from vintage and antiques to hip and trendy shops. Petaluma also hosts the yearly Salute to American Graffiti classic car show as well as the Spring and Fall antique fair.

Yasmina Greco Petaluma Lindy Bop Book Skirt

Hubby and I spent a lovely afternoon in Petaluma having lunch and visiting the historic museum and bookstore. The historical museum had a fantastic vintage vintage wedding dress exhibit and it was a thrill to see how lovely and treasured the dresses of the late 1800s and early 1900s are, the vintage cake toppers and hair adornments of the era were so well preserved.

Yasmina Greco Petaluma Lindy Bop Book Skirt Historical Museum

Yasmina Greco Petaluma Lindy Bop Book Skirt Historical Museum Vintage Wedding Dresses

Petaluma Historical Museum Vintage Wedding Dresses

The historical museum also has an upper section that is rich in the history of Petaluma being The Egg Capital of the World. We were fascinated and enjoyed seeing all the old photos and historic documents. By the early 1940s there were over 4,000 egg farms with 612 million eggs laid and by the year 2,000 approx. 1 million eggs are laid each day. Fascinating!! Here I am posing with a antique chicken…. I couldn’t help myself.

Petaluma Historical Museum Egg Basket of the World Yasmina Greco

With hints of Fall in the air I wore my lovely Lindy Bop book print skirt and cardigan. It was the perfect outfit for a visit at the bookstore. I really miss the feel of books…. Something that is tangible. I enjoy visiting bookstores and sadly there are so few left these days.

Yasmina Greco Lindy Bop Pryia Burgundy Books Print Swing Skirt

Halloween is nearly here and we have some super fun projects coming up that we can’t wait to share with you all!! As always, a huge thank you to my wonderful and sweet hubby Gary for all the pics and being on life’s adventure with me.