Flea Market Style Dog Beds Using Vintage Household Items

I just got my latest issue of Flea Market Style Magazine and boy-oh-boy is it full of good stuff! One article in particular caught my eye and it is a step-by-step guide on how to make a dog bed for your pooch from repurposed household items. This would be a great weekend project and a great way to use up some of the vintage fabrics and pillows you have been collecting. If you are handy at sewing you could also probably stitch up a few cute dog toys out of the leftover fabric. 

Since repurposing items are a very hot trend today as we are all into living green and into vintage and cottage styles and there also are some folks re-using old suitcases and fashioning them into doggie beds as well as using vintage fabrics and vintage linens and sewing them into darling little doggie dresses.

Hmmmm, think I might try making the Flea Market Style doggie bed for my fluffy little Bichon Frise- Luna and if that goes well maybe a cute little dress to match!