It’s been raining non-stop now for almost 48 hrs here in the Pacific Northwest. When I arrived 5 days ago it was snowing and now it’s dark, cloudy, gloomy…just like I remember the Pacific Northwest! A drive to the city of Camas in Washington State sounded just like the thing to do.
A couple blogs I follow had made mention about having booths at the Camas Antique Mall so I thought it would be fun to drive there (Camas is approx. 20 miles away from Portland, Oregon). Camas Antique Mall is located on 4th avenue right in the heart of the small down town. I found a parking spot literally right in front of the Camas Antique Mall and at first it was not al all what I had pictured it to be….I thought it would be an old-ish type building like the other antique malls I have visited on this trip but instead the front is all glass windows and looked more like a home decorations shop than antique mall. The town of Camas is right next to a paper mill factory so when you get out of your car and the air hits you all you smell is the YUCKY paper mill (smells like garbage).
Walking inside I was greeted by a very friendly lady and the place smelled really good, lots of lavender and scented candles. Right away I could see that this mall offered a really big variety of items as many booths had that “Shabby Paris Apartment” theme and there were booths with vintage kitchen items, children’s clothing and toys, crafts and hand made jewelry, ephemera, faux floral arrangements, accessories and vintage collectibles. The mall was very clean and the upstairs was very light and bright. Prices were UNREAL in a Fantastic Way! I have not seen prices this low…..ever. Items for $3 and $5 dollars that normally are marked $18-$34 dollars at other malls I have visited.
Camas Antique Mall has a 2nd floor on the lower level that is very large. The downstairs isn’t as light and bright but there is again a huge variety of items. Both the upstairs and downstairs booths have really great setups and the way the items are merchandized are really eye-catching…..totally not what I was expecting so this was really a treat. This mall did not have anyone following you around or asking if you wanted to see anything in the cases and that does have its positives and negatives. Over all I REALLY liked this mall and was pleasantly surprised at how much variety there is and the layout of the booths……SUPER!! I will definitely keep Camas Antique Mall on my list of “must visit” antique malls. I was to find and purchase everal embroidered tablecloths and tea towels with blue birds and chickens/roosters and of course salt and pepper shakers and also some amazing Wedgwood Majolica!!
Camas Antique Mall
305 NE 4th Ave
Camas, WA 98607
(360) 834-4062