Have You Been to Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market


Hell’s Kitchen is a neighborhood on the west side of Manhattan, roughly the area from West 34th up to West 59th Street, and from 8th Avenue over to the Hudson River. Hell’s Kitchen below 42nd Street is sometimes called “Hell’s Kitchen South.” That’s where the flea market is located.  In Hell’s Kitchen South you can still find small “mom and pop” businesses, including specialty food stores. The flea market’s area is relatively free of tall buildings, allowing for a sweeping view of midtown Manhattan, including The Empire State Building, The New Yorker Hotel, and the new New York Times Building. Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market includes vendors from The Annex, formerly located in Chelsea. Designers, tourists, artists, celebrities, and residents shop the market for antiques, collectibles, vintage clothing, mid-century modern items–including home decorations and furniture–jewelry, and more. This one sounds like fun! We would love to hear from those of you who have been to this flea market, send us your comments and pictures.