Happy New Year!! With the start of the New Year, its time to start thinking about what to collect or what are the hot 2011 collectibles. Here you will read our top ten 2011 collectible picks.
Coins: the older the coin is, the more valuable it is because more minerals were used to make old coins.
Stamps: Very popular amongst collectors. Accessible and fairly easy to come by. Internet makes communicating with collectors easy and searching for rare stamps easier.
Coca Cola: Tins, Signs, Trays, Memorabilia….most all Coke items are collectible but do research to be aware of what the mass-produced items are.
Cookie Jars: Pottery cookie jars, Character cookie jars, Movie Memorabilia cookie jars, pretty much this genre is far reaching and there are so many online resources for research and collector’s clubs so starting with cookie jars or adding to a collection is pretty easy.
Salt and Pepper Shakers: Another area that has so many themes and genres from kitchen Anthropomorphic fruits and veggies, to animals and people from vintage to Made in Japan, Norcrest, Lefton, Napco and PY etc.. S&Ps are also still one of the most affordable collectibles too.
Aprons and Kitchen Linens: Tea towels, Tablecloths, Napkins Hand towels etc…
Books and Comic Books: These can really be worth big $$$ if you know what to look for!! Again, the Internet today makes collecting and researching so much easier and contacting other collectors is at your fingertips.
Action Figures: From Star Wars, G.I. Joe, X-Men, Transformers etc.. Conventions held yearly and lots of clubs to join make collecting action figures hot!!
Maps and Post Cards: Map collecting has always been popular but it is really gaining a surge now. Everything from World maps to country maps to maps of Disneyland and Cape Cod and Nantucket are collectible now.
Wine: Filling your wine cellar with rare and old bottles has always been sought after and collecting wines from all over the world as well as their labels and unique bottle shapes has a lot of appeal for collectors.