9 to 5 Chic – Curvy Woman in Tech

Yasmina Greco - Work Wear
Yasmina Greco – Work Wear with a Retro Twist

As a woman in tech in San Francisco it’s easy to fall into the world of free conference t-shirts and hoodies but I prefer colorful outfits that embrace my personality and I describe my style as classic with a retro twist.

My wardrobe staples are dresses and skirts that nip you in at the waist, cardigans and colorful accessories like vintage purses, shoes and jewelry. I add a brooch to tops and dresses so my cleavage is office appropriate and my outfits are generally very comfortable and effortless so dressing as a curvy women is easy with these wardrobe staples and I am ready for meetings and working with my global team. 


Yasmina Greco - Curvy Work Wear
Yasmina Greco – Curvy Work Wear


I prep for my upcoming week on Sunday making sure my work schedule and game plan are set. Hubby and I run errands and we might stop in at one our favorite antique shops or pizza parlors for some lunch and treasure hunting. Outfits are washed and ironed and ready for the week.  Monday comes too fast but a 4 shot espresso hubby makes gets us moving. I usually wear slacks paired with a vintage style top and blazer as it can be hectic and intense at the office with meetings, lunch at my desk, and stopping in and checking on projects and people that are multiple floors away.


Tuesday’s are very busy and full of unexpected meetings and conference calls so wearing a skirt and blouse keeps me comfortable and ready to make decisions and take on what the day brings.

Yasmina Greco - Curvy Office Outfit
Yasmina Greco – Curvy Work Wear Women in Tech


Yasmina Greco - Curvy Office Clothes
Yasmina Greco – Curvy Office Clothes

Another day of meetings and conference calls. Again, a blouse and skirt are my go-to. I add a cardigan for when the office air conditioning gets too cold. In keeping with the retro style I love circle skirts because they are comfortable and feminine and have so much style and charm. I will also wear novelty print skirts and usually receive so many compliments from my colleagues.


Yasmina Greco - Curvy Work Wear Women in Tech
Yasmina Greco – Curvy Work Wear Women in Tech

Thursday’s are full of impromptu meetings and ‘hallway conversations’ where I love discussing new ideas with my team and colleagues. Again, I maintain my retro vibe with a pussybow blouse and pencil skirt .


Yasmina Greco - Curvy Work Wear Women in Tech
Yasmina Greco – Curvy Work Wear Women in Tech

We made it to Friday!! I am usually working out of the office on Friday’s and love to take my conference calls from around town where I can get some delicious lunch and spectacular views too all while taking care of business. A casual Friday outfit for me consists of denim, a comfortable top or cape (retro vibe) if it is is cool outside and a fab pair of tennis shoes to keep me moving.