My Week in Outfits: Bernie Dexter, Heart of Haute, Pinup Girl Clothing and More

Yasmina Greco - Week in Pinup Rockabilly Outfits

                                        Yasmina Greco – Week in Pinup Rockabilly Outfits

Hello lovelies!! It has been an incredibly fast moving week. I have had a couple photo shoots plus my day job has propelled me to exceed greater bounds and that is super exciting. I am finishing up my Valentines Day post and will have it up shortly.  For now, here are some of my favorite pinup and rockabilly outfits from the past week by Bernie Dexter, Pinup Girl Clothing, Heart of Haute, The Oblong Box Shop and Collectif Clothing .  Hope all of you are doing great and in the words of the great Walt Disney ‘Keep Moving Forward

All pics by my sweet hubby @garyzface