I first saw this awesome tablecloth over a year ago on Etsy. I am obsessed with the color turquoise / aqua blue and anything ‘vintage Christmas’ so when I saw that it had aqua blue Christmas trees I was on a mission to add a tablecloth like this to my collection some day. For over a year I have been searching for it and the couple times one has come up for sale it sold so quickly and for a couple hundred dollars – YIKES! Apparently I was not the only one who wanted one of these. I learned that this tablecloth was called ‘Gift Box’ and made by Leacock. The tablecloth not only has aqua blue Christmas trees, Santa Claus, lots of red and green Christmas packages but it also has metallic colored stars and starbursts which really are so Mid-Century and collectible today. It really does have so much vintage charm!!
About a week ago I saw one on Ebay that was up for auction. I have been sick with some darn cold/flu bug that spread around my office and when I am up at 3am with a sore throat, cough and horrible stuffy/runny nose, I have been soothing myself with Ebay and Etsy. Also, at 3am, not many people are bidding on items. NOTE to Sellers: Don’t end your auctions in the middle of the night/wee hours…. End them closer to 7pm-10pm so you get the highest price. This particular tablecloth was meant to be mine after a year of searching…I scored it for under $50!! The tablecloth arrived today and it is stunning!! It needs ironing but no really horrible stains, spots, or odors. I absolutely love it. My husband took one look and said ‘Oh yeah, my mom has one in the basement’. He remembered it from his childhood and smiled.