I recently did a post about Is It Spring as the weather here in North Texas last weekend was amazing…80 degrees on Saturday and high 70s too. NOW – we have been hit with that brutal winter storm and it gave us about 1” inch of ice yesterday and snow and it is now 11 degrees with a wind chill of -3!!!! Boy oh boy did we go from an early Spring to WINTER! Texas does not usually get this type of weather so you can imagine that it has pretty much shut-down the city and it is Super Bowl week (we live about 30 min away from Dallas Cowboy Stadium). We have been working from home as we cannot get into the office. I just don’t know how the folks that live in the colder climates handle this type of weather and they get it much much worse and for longer periods! Weather report for the Super Bowl game are saying it will be 53 degrees and partly sunny for game day…..Trying to thaw out a bit today. Hope you are all safe and having a GREAT day!! Pic of the icey stadium and one of my cute Lefton Bluebirds as it makes me think of Spring when I look at her.