Why isn’t your business listed online? I am so surprised that in the year 2011 there are so many antiques and collectibles dealers that do not have their business listed online nor do they have a web presence. Many folks still seem to think that selling at flea markets, fairs, and in multi-dealer antique malls is enough. Below are 5 reasons your business should be online.
1. You have the potential to reach thousands of customers
2. Your online business operates 24/7 and 365 days a year
3. Your online business does not need a store front
4. Your online business can reach customers all around the world
5. You are able to build relationships
You don’t have to overwhelm yourself with getting your business online. For many “newbies” it’s like taking first steps and that is OK. You can setup a one-page website with a custom domain name to match your businesses name (yourname.com) and list your location and contact information along with what items you specialize in. Once you get comfortable with being online, you can open an online store like on Etsy, eBay, Tias, or Rubylane. An online store with one of these large web-based companies will allow you to upload photos and descriptions of your items and allow you to sell your items and generate revenue. You will need to prepare yourself and get setup for packaging and shipping your items and these large venues have many training sessions you can even watch on your computer to learn how to do it all from opening your store, shipping, and managing your store. Your store will be open 24/7 and even 365 days a year. Doesn’t making money while you sleep sound like a dream? Well, this is really one dream that can come true. Just think about how much money you will save without having to maintain a storefront. Since your business is online it has the potential to attract customers from all around the world and no storefront could give your business this type of exposure. Once your online business becomes established, you will be building relationships with folks and you will see just how much more profitable and manageable your business can be. The New Year is approaching soon; make a resolution to take a step forward to getting your business online.